AP here:
Well Tonka is home from his bionic eye surgery. It was actually over by 3:00 but he still hadn't come around all the way by 5:00 so I had to go back to the recovery area and get him up. We made it up the ramp and into the truck OK and he went right back to sleep.
Once we got home he did not want to get back up to come down the ramp so I had to slide him forward on his bed and then lift him out.
We got through the gate and into the house OK and he just laid down and went out again. I got everything closed up and came back in and he was standing by the doggie door so we went out and he did go to the bathroom. He wanted to go up the ramp on the side of the house and in through the kitchen to the living room. Once in the living room he went right back to sleep.
Around 6:30 I woke him up with some chicken and rice and he was hungry. I only fed him a little to make sure we werent going to have any stomach problems and he went right back out.
*I am very surprised at how good his eye looks, I was expecting much worse.
Well the evening went on and and at 8:30 I got him up to feed him again and give him his meds. he gets 2 Cephalexin twice a day with food and 2 Tramadol twice a day with food. He also has Rimadyl but we dont start that till tomorrow. He has some drops and some ointment to go in his eye the ointment is 3 times a day and the drops twice. I found it hard to get the drops and the ointment in the eye since it is swollen and I didn't want to hurt him. He promptly went right back to sleep after dinner and at 10:30 I made him get up and go out to go to the bathroom for the night. We went through the kitchen and down the ramp since I figured that would be better than trying to navigate stairs. Halfway down the ramp he sat down and went to sleep.

He did finally go potty and we went back up the ramp and he went back to sleep for the night.
*He is hating the E-Collar and anytime he hits something he just stops so every excursion becomes a 20 minute ordeal.