Saturday, July 18, 2009

July 18. 2009

It's Saturday! I had my 8:00am playdate with Nala and we ran around and wrestled till it got too hot. When I got home I took a little nap and then got to lay in the front door and smell the breezes and listen to the neighborhood. I was given this really big shin bone to chew on so of course I took it out back to bury it for later. Leave it to me to pick the rocks behind the shed to dig up to make a hole for it and I ended up tearing up the tip of my nose when I went to fill it in.

This afternoon we went for a long walk over the rocks and to the fields. I'm not the best at going over the rocks but AP and I go real slow and she keeps a hand on my neck so she can pull me if I get into trouble. When we came back through the park Henry was coming out to play so we joined in and then we ran into Muffin and Biscotta.

I was already tired and after playing for awhile I laid down in the grass. The gnats were swarming around my head and so AP made me put on my Doggles - how embarrassing!

I don't like my sunglasses and I really don't like my Doggles. The humans all told me that I was handsome in them but I don't believe them.

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