Friday, October 21, 2011

This was not the intent

AP here:
I started this blog to be a lighthearted, feel good kind of place to tune in and learn about how normal a blind dogs life can be. It has now morphed into more of a medical blog about the extreme (not normal) genetic mutant that is my boy Tonka and his varied and continuing medical problems. This was not the intent and I truly wish that he would never have another problem and we could go back to fun and silliness. I do hope that what I write about at least helps someone looking for information or direction. I know with some of his issues I could not find a lot of personal accounts from people going through the same thing and it would have been helpful.


Anonymous said...

Not to worry, AP. Tonka's fans still follow his adventures. I check his blog every morning. I'm just sorry that you, CM and Tonka have to go through this stuff.

Liam sends love and kisses. The big goof is doing really well. Lately he loves stalking the cat. He tiptoes around as if he's thinking that if he's really quiet, she won't notice him. Oddly, the cat encourages this behavior. They're such a hoot together. He's also bonded with Jeff, which I find weird because Jeff makes him mind. I'm the pushover who is too liberal with the treats :)

Take care and give Tonka a smooch for us.
Tina and Lee

Tonka said...

Leapy Lee being sneaky that would be a great video. Thanks for the kind words, it has been a rough year. Give the pack a big hello and hugs and kisses from us.
Alice and Tonka