Tuesday, January 5, 2010


AP came home from work and Nala and her mom came over and we walked to the park, like we do all the time. We got to the park and went off lead and were playing and somehow hurt my shoulder. I stayed with Nala and her mom while AP ran home to get my truck. I didn't want to put any weight on it so I laid down and kept still till she got back. We took Nala home and AP called the vet and we went in as an emergency visit. We saw Dr. Gerity and she checked me over and made me move my leg and shoulder all around. She said I have a soft tissue injury and put me on Meloxicam and told AP no stairs, no doggie door, no walks and no playdates for 14 days. We got home and AP setup all kinds of baby gates and locked the doggie door. If I want to go upstairs I have to go out the basement door and up the ramp to the kitchen. I havent had to do that since last January when I had to have x-rays for my other shoulder and my hip. I hate being hurt.

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